There are many ways of measuring a life. But let’s see if we can formalize it a bit with a few ‘life success equations.’ In high school, I gravitated toward math since it was clean, precise. I found the liberal arts to be stark contrast in its subjectivity. It was ‘squishy’. I hate squishy. (I must confess – I do seek to be a better…
What is good enough to release?
Litany against picking up my phone
Inspired by the Litany Against Fear from Dune. Also this might the first poem I’ve written. I’m not sure it is a poem though so don’t quote me on that. I must not pick up my phone. Picking up my phone is the little death.The glass — a screen — a window to the infinite. Trying to fill each moment with stimulation — dopamine injections….
Beware consumption — the silent killer
Are you a producer or a consumer? Chances are you’ve read this hackneyd question before, paused to consider it a few moments, then dismissed it never to think of it again. Big mistake. The distinction is more subtle than you might think. While the personal development industry and most modern media companies (read listicle creation boiler room) has probably churned out more than a few…